My art is a journey of self discovery. I find I am drawn to the dichotomy of things and much of my art reflects this. The simplicity yet the complexity of something.

– Ylisa Young, Artist

A personal archaeology of executing, surveying and analyzing. The pieces invite the viewer in, so that they may see it’s intricacies and explore the pieces in more depth.

The work has an outer shell, experienced and complete as a whole, however if the spectator is curious enough to explore, they will find many hidden layers just lurking beneath the surface.   


I've always had an interest in psychology, even though it’s not the field I went into. The complexity of an individual has always fascinated me.

My art is an exploration and discovery of myself and my attempts to make sense of the world around me. My paintings enable me to utilize my intuition and analytical side.

Painting allows me to express myself in a way that nothing else can. I often start with no clear direction, but enjoy the initial phase most of all. It’s like being a child, a time to play, to be whimsical and without judgement. As I start building the layers, the work begins. Inevitably, some sort of chaos ensues and it’s my attempt to refine and evolve each piece. Each painting is an internal monologue, but it’s also my hope that the piece is open ended enough that the viewer can find something that speaks personally to them.